1. Rückpositiv (expr.) C–c4 | Principal | 8' | Rohrflöte | 8' | Salizional | 8' | Unda maris | 8' | Praestant | 4' | Holzflöte | 4' | Waldflöte | 2' | Quinte | 1 1/3' | Mixtur | 4 f. | Sesquialtera | 2 f. | Trompete | 8' | Cromorne | 8' | | | Tremulant | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2. Hauptwerk C–c4 | Grande Bourdon | 32' | Violone | 16' | Principal | 16' | Principal major | 8' | Praestant | 8' | Viola da Gamba | 8' | Flute harmonique | 8' | Gedackt | 8' | Oktave major | 4' | Octave minor | 4' | Flute conique | 4' | Quinte | 2 2/3' | Octave | 2' | Cornet | 5 f. | Mixture major | 2' | Mixture minor | 1' | Bombarde | 16' | Trompete | 8' | | | Tremulant | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3. Schwellwerk (expr.) C–c4 | Rohrbordun | 16' | Doppelflöte | 8' | Geigenprincipal | 8' | Bourdon | 8' | Viola | 8' | Vox coelestis | 8' | Principal | 4' | Flute octaviante | 4' | Fugara | 4' | Nazard harm. | 2 2/3' | Octavin | 2' | Tierce (harm.) | 1 3/5' | Fourniture | 5 f. | Basson | 16' | Trompete harm. | 8' | Hautbois | 8' | Voix humaine | 8' | Clairon | 4' | | | Carillon | | Tremulant | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4. Chamaden C–c4 | Trompeta magna | 16' | Trompeta real | 8' | Trompeta clarin | 4' | Cornet | 5f | Flute harmonique | 8' | Vox Ludgeri | 8' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Pedal C–g1 | Grand Flute | 32' | Bourdon | 32' | Principalbass | 16' | Flute | 16' | Contrabass | 16' | Soubasse | 16' | Octavbass | 8' | Flute | 8' | Cello | 8' | Bourdon | 8' | Choralbass | 4' | Viola tenore | 4' | Contrebombarde | 32' | Posaune | 16' | Fagott | 16' | Trompettenbass | 8' | Clairon | 4' | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Note: Vox Ludgeri is affected by the tremulant of Schwellwerk.
III/I, IV/I, Sub III/I, Super III/I
IV/III, Sub III/III, Super III/III, Aequallage ab (all supercouplers are sounding to the highest tone, i.e. "ausgebaut")
I/Ped, II/Ped, III/Ped, IV/Ped, Super I/Ped, Super II/Ped. Cantus II/Ped 2', Super III/Ped
Carillon accessible from all manuals and the pedal. The original instrument has one carillon shared on all manuals. For the sample set, the carillon of the Schwellwerk is virtually separate, enclosed in the swell box and milder in voicing than the virtual carillon shared by the other divisions.