Manuaal I C-d''' (HW) |
Manuaal II C-d''' (RW) |
Pedaal C-d' |
Gedackt 16' Praestant 8' Baarpyp 8' Holpyp 8' Octaav 4' Gemshoorn 4' Quint 3' Octaav 2' Woudfluit 2' Mixtuur 4-5x Cornet 3 st. Trompet 8' Vox Humana 8' |
Fluitdous 8' Quintadeena 8' Praestant 4' Holpyp 4' Nazat 3' Octaav 2' Spitsfluit 2' Scherp 4 st. Sexquialtera 2-3 st. Dulciaan 8' |
Bourdon 16' Praestant 8' Gedackt 8' Roerquint 6' Octaav 4' Nagthoorn 2' Basuyn 16' Trompet 8' Schalmey 4' Cornet 2' |
Accouplement: I+II, P+I
Ventils HW, RW, P
Tremulant général [virtual extension: 3 tremulants, one for each division]
[Claviers étendus virtuellement à f''', Pedaal étendue virtuellement à f'.]
Mémoire vive requise :
6-channel surround
16-bit, other settings default: 16.7 GB
20-bit, other settings default: 27.1 GB (recommended)
24-bit, other settings default: 31.5 GB
By truncating releases of the direct samples, the 6-channel surround can fit into 16 GB of RAM.
Screen resolution 1280x1024 px or more.
Polyphony of 5000 voices recommended for the full suround (2500 pipes minimum).